速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Folk Tales of British Isles Digest - TIN

Folk Tales of British Isles Digest - TIN



檔案大小:124.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Folk Tales of British Isles Digest - TINKLE Comics(圖1)-速報App

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Folk Tales Of British Isles 1 - 143 screens

Folk Tales Of British Isles 2 - 126 screens

Folk Tales Of British Isles 3 - 156 screens

415 Screens / English / Full color comic book (panel by panel)

Folk Tales of British Isles Digest - TINKLE Comics(圖2)-速報App

Story outline:


Folk literature is perhaps the oldest of all literature, handed down orally from generation to generation for centuries.

English folk and fairy tales, like similar tales from other countries, were written down only after invention of printing in the 15th century. Joesph Jacobs (1854-1916) was a folklorist who collect many British and Irish folktales and compiled them. To him we owe ever-popular stories like Jack the Giant Killer, Dick Whittington and The Three Little Pigs. He preserved traditional tales without tampering with their original form or making them models of good behaviour.

About Amar Chitra Katha(ACK-Media):

Folk Tales of British Isles Digest - TINKLE Comics(圖3)-速報App

ACK-Media is India's leading entertainment and education company for young audiences. ACK has enthralled generations of readers for the last four decades with over 600 + Indian mythology tales with over 90 million titles sold worldwide.

ACK partnered with iRemedi in bringing the timeless classics to the iTunes community.

About iRemedi:

iRemedi's ETHER MEDIA is a proprietary mobile content delivery technology that provides revolutionary touch media viewing. iRemedi works with rich content publishers to bring their rich content to the iTunes community.

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Folk Tales of British Isles Digest - TINKLE Comics(圖4)-速報App

Enjoy full color high-resolution art and story in an intuitive user interface.

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Folk Tales of British Isles Digest - TINKLE Comics(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad